Lead Like a Mother Business Masterclass

Regular price $87.00


Principles for optimizing + simplifying entrepreneurship… for EVERYONE

Metrics. Obsessive goal-setting. Hacking. “Disruption” for the sake of being disruptive. These tactics are the opposite of life-giving.

How can we restore ourselves and work after these recent years of whackness? Curious how a multi- 7-figure business can thrive without perpetuating burnout culture? 

LESS FORCE, MORE FLOW. When we say, “We're going with the flow,” what we're really declaring is that we’re in sync with The Divine Creative Principle. Life force. It’s ever-generative—there’s always more where that came from. 

My business runs on metaphysical principles. We have a “winter” and “summer” planning mode. We are well. And prosperous. Our key strategy is to NURTURE the people we serve. 

This business class is teaching:

  • How to create a *self managing* teamfor more excellence and less… managing
  • How to track the nervous system of your businessyes, it has it’s OWN nervous system
  • When to let go of control, and when to sweat the details
  • Harnessing synchronicity to unlock the creative principle in your business
  • Fun ways to celebrate and inspire your people. Compassion + results = harmony
  • Project management that’s agile, and communication that keeps you on track.

Creativity and nurturing are success principles that apply to all types of business and leadership objectives. Heart centered leadership is the only way to create purposeful prosperity. Integrity, kindness and big picture thinkingyour mother would approve.

You’ll receive an email with details to access your 90-minute pre-recorded business masterclass, slide deck PDF, transcripts, resources, and audiobook.


"I feel lighter and relieved, thank you." — Farah

"This was sooooo dense, deep, touching, eye-opening... It was a lot to feel into in a short time and the input was amazing. This month, I feel I will watch the replay again & again, taking notes, going deep. Wow, this was such a gift! I felt also so connected with the community by seeing them being touched and crying. Sending you a big heartfelt Thank you!" — Kirsi

"What a powerful session, thank you so much Danielle and team!." — Norma

GET INSTANT ACCESS for only $87 USD*. 

  • 90-minute business masterclass with Danielle
  • Q+A
  • All resources
  • Slide deck PDF
  • Transcripts
  • Audiobook of the class teachings

**FREE for Business Trackers.

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